Wednesday, May 30, 2012

May 30th, 2012

Picture of the day from your favorite people with lovely spring weather!
If pop culture has taught me anything in life, it's to wear what you want. Don't be afraid you're going to look weird or that you don't belong. People who judge you solely off your clothes are only jealous that they can't pull it off like you can. Or maybe it's that you look weird and don't belong. Either way, it doesn't even matter. Show who you are through your clothes. Does Lady Gaga look like she cares?
 As a side note, take any and all comments on an outfit as a compliment. If somebody has taken time out of their day to assess your clothing choices, it must mean they've decided you're worthy of their opinion.
Smile and say, "thank you!".
Even if that somebody tells you,
"maybe you should've worn different boots with that...",
or even, "it looks like you cut up your drapes and made an outfit out of it".
Wear what you want. Clothing is a choice.

PS.  Check out summer's super cute haircut! And definitely ignore those great track sock tans...

Monday, May 7, 2012

An Awkward Hello


Welcome to our blog! Here's some funny videos to set the mood. Can't tell you what to expect because we're not too sure either. Remember... Roller skating today, college tomorrow!
Summer and Annie